NDT Technology Courses
NDTTECH offers a variety of courses in NDT, Engineering Inspection and Quality Control. These courses are designed to suit the training requirements of both individuals as well as organizations.
Courses in NDT currently offered by NDTTECH are formulated based on the requirements of the personnel qualification and certification in Non Destructive Testing ‘ Recommended Practice Number SNT – TC – 1A’ of the American Society for Non Destructive Testing (ASNT).
NDTTECH offers the following courses:
Radiographic Testing
Ultrasonic Testing
Eddy Current Testing
Magnetic Particle Testing
Penetrant Testing
Radiographic Film Interpretation
Ultrasonic Testing of Pipes for Corrosion (Ultrasonic Applications, Level II A)
Ultrasonic Testing of Welds (Ultrasonic Applications, Level II B)
Ultrasonic Testing of Welds to API RP 2x (TKY joints) (UA, Level II C)
Ultrasonic Time Of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) (Ultrasonic Applications, Level IID)
Ultrasonic Immersion Testing (Automated UT)
Automated Eddy Current Testing (AET)
The medium of instruction is English. Candidates are required to bring their own scientific calculator.
Click on the links to find out more about the courses. NDTTECH organizes all the mentioned courses every month/or as scheduled for the period at its centre in Kerala. NDTTECH also offers customized training/courses at the clients premises.
Three internal examinations will be taken in each method for Level I / II. This will include
(1) a closed book, General examination on the fundamentals of the subject
(2) An open book, Specific examination on any of the International code or standard provided
(3) a Practical examination with the equipment used in the method.
80% average required to pass the exams. Multiple choice questions will be given for examinations.
Level I / II Training certificate will be issued to successful participants within 10 working days from the date of examination. Certification to all levels of qualification is the responsibility of the employer. All examinations will be in English.
One free re-examination is offered to participants who have failed the first examination. The participant’s score should be >50% in each paper to become eligible for this free course and examination. This re-examination should be taken within 6 months from the date of the first examination. Participants who does not qualify in this mode may pay an additional 60% of the fee for re-examination. If this is not desired, then a course participation certificate will be issued.
NDT Refresher Courses
NDTTech offers specially designed refresher courses for level III aspirants and also to personnel who possess Level II certifications from elsewhere but are desirous of thorough training. These courses involve detailed theory, applications, class room exercises and examinations. Please contact us for further details.
Certificate renewal
Certificates will be issued for a period of 5 years
Please contact the course director for detailed renewal requirements / schedule and fee.
Course registration
To register for our courses, participants are required to provide
(1) Copies of the level I certificate and work experience certificates. Those who have experience, but do not have the Level I certificate in the test method are required to pay for the additional training they may need for appearing the Level II examinations.
(2) 7 nos. passport size photographs
(3) An eye test certificate from a registered ophthalmologist for vision acuity and color differentiation.
(4) Attested copies of academic and professional certificates at the time of registration.
(5) A scientific calculator for the course.
(6) Full fee shall be paid at the start of the course.
* Course fee includes course material ( Text, work books )& stationery.