1. Introduction to NDT
Introductory course covering the most commonly used NDT methods and techniques. An excellent course for those who are not directly involved with NDT.
Basic Course | Duration: 4 days* | Fees: Enquire today |
2. Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Ultrasonic Testing uses transmission of high frequency sound waves into a material to detect imperfections within the material or changes in material properties. The most commonly used ultrasonic testing method is Pulse Echo, wherein sound is introduced into the test object and reflections are returned to a receiver from internal imperfections and geometrical surfaces of the part. *Indicates the minimum days of classes. All classes begins by 09:00 and may end by 17:00 hours Monday – Friday.
Level I | Duration: 12 days* | |
Level II | Duration: 12 days* | |
Level II Refresher | Duration: 12 days* |
3. Radiographic Testing (RT)
Radiographic Testing involves the use of penetrating X or Gamma radiation to examine parts and products for imperfections. An X – ray machine or radioactive isotope is used as a source of radiation. Radiation is directed through a part onto the film. When the film is developed, a shadowgraph is obtained that shows the internal soundness of the part. *Indicates the minimum days of classes.
Level I | Duration: 10 days* | |
Level II | Duration: 10 days* | |
Level II Refresher | Duration: 10 days* |
4. Eddy Current Testing (ET)
All conducting material can be inspected for flaws, material composition changes, large variations in process, thickness of coatings applied, and conductivity. When ac is passed through a coil, and the resultant alternating magnetic field is applied to a conducting material, eddy currents are set up in the material. This flow of eddycurrents change the impedance of the ac coil, which is measured and indicated on a convenient display. Amenable for automation. Only changes on the surface and subsurface of the test material will be detected. *Indicates the minimum days of classes.
Level I | Duration: 6 days* | |
Level II | Duration: 10 days* | |
Level II Refresher | Duration: 10 days* |
5. Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
Magnetic particle testing is done by inducing a magnetic field in a ferromagnetic material and dusting the surface with iron particles. Surface imperfections will distort the magnetic field and concentrate the iron particles near the imperfections, thus indicating their presence. *Indicates the minimum days of classes.
Level I | Duration: 3 days* | |
Level II | Duration: 3 days* | |
Level II Refresher | Duration: 3 days* |
6. Penetrant Testing (PT)
Liquid penetrant testing is probably the most widely used NDT method. The test object or material is coated with a visible or fluorescent dye solution. The excess dye is removed from the surface, and then a developer is applied. The developer acts like a blotter. It draws penetrant out of the imperfections which are open to the surface. With visible dyes, the vivid color contrast between the penetrant and the developer makes the bleed easy to see. An ultraviolet lamp is used to make the bleed-out fluoresce brightly, thus allowing the imperfection to be seen clearly. *Indicates the minimum days of classes.
Level I | Duration: 3 days* | |
Level II | Duration: 3 days* | |
Level II Refresher | Duration: 3 days* |
* Duration may vary. Indicates the minimum time required
* Updated as of 15th February, 2013