Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) (Ultrasonic Applications, Level II D)

TOFD is a proven test method to scan welds of thickness > 6mm, in a very short time and several major industries have acknowledged the advantages of this method. This new technique is considered ideal for thicker materials where RT may not provide reliable results. Combined with the ease of documentation and review of test results, TOFD is the choice of industries today.

  • View Syllabus
    Theory of TOFD
    Flaw detection, sizing
    Review, Analysis and Interpretation of signals
    Lateral Wave Synchronization
    Calibration (velocity,Wedge Delay, TOFD and TCG)
    Storage of A/B Scan Test Data
    Encoder calibration
    Post processing of C-Scan Data
    Report preparation

TOFD equipment  with scanner assembly, reference materials, test specimens will be used in the class. Participants are taught on setting up, operation of the TOFD equipment, recording and evaluation of the test results. Participant should be able to carry out this work independently upon completion of this course. Welding Inspectors, Plant Inspectors, NDT Technicians and Engineers will find this course very useful to their career. Offered to industries and individuals. Our training should help you operate not any specific brand, but any other international equipment. Provides A, B and C Scan displays.

This course is intended for candidates with experience in weld testing using conventional ultrasonics and certified as ASNT Level II/ ISNT Level II. Persons desirous of taking the TOFD training are requested to register at least one month in advance of the tentative schedule.